Cost Concept in Economics Class 11 Notes

Cost Concept in Economics Class 11 Notes

Cost Concept in Economics class 11 notes is presented in this post for easy access to the students. The cost concept in economics tells us how expensive it will be to produce a certain good or service. Since production costs are important in determining a firm’s output, you must know in detail about the cost concept in economics.

Meaning of Cost Concept in Economics

A firm uses various inputs for the production of goods and services. The firm must make payments for such inputs as they are not free. The expenditure incurred on these inputs is the cost of production in economics. The concept of cost in economics refers to the total expenditure incurred in producing a commodity. In economics, the cost is the total – explicit cost and implicit cost.

  1. Explicit Cost – Explicit cost refers to the actual money expenditure on inputs or payments made to outsiders for hiring their factor services. For example, wages paid to the employees, rent paid for hired premises, payment for raw materials, etc.
  2. Implicit Cost – Implicit cost is the estimated value of the inputs supplied by the owners, including normal profit. For example, interest on own capital, rent of land, the salary of the owners, including normal entrepreneurs, etc. Such costs are the costs of self-supplied factors.

So, the concept of cost in economics includes actual expenditure on inputs (i.e., explicit cost) and the imputed value of the inputs supplied by the owners (i.e., implicit cost). The economic cost of production includes not only the accounting cost, which is the explicit cost, and the imputed value, which is the implicit cost. The sum of explicit and implicit costs is the total cost of production of a commodity.

Cost Function under Cost Concept in Economics

The relation between the cost incurred and output is known as the ‘Cost Function.’ Cost function refers to the functional relationship between cost and output. It can be expressed as,
C = f (q)


C = Cost of production
q = quantity of output
f = Functional relationship

Opportunity Cost in Production

We know that opportunity cost is the cost of the next best alternative foregone. The concept of opportunity cost is very important as it forms the basis of the concept of cost. When a firm decides to produce a particular commodity, opportunity cost always considers the value of the alternative commodity, which is not produced. The value of the alternative commodity is the opportunity cost of the good that the firm is now producing.

The concept of cost class 11 notes gives a wholesome definition of what cost stands for in economics. These notes enhance concentration and attention to detail. Actively encourages learning. Improves retention and comprehension. Teaches how to prioritize. Increases capacity for focus. Enhances organizational abilities. Enhances imagination. As a result, they offer an opportunity to comprehend and summarize the ideas.

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