Distinguish between: (a) Direct Tax and Indirect tax (b) Primary deficit and Revenue deficit

Question 6. Distinguish between: (a) Direct Tax and Indirect tax (b) Primary deficit and Revenue deficit
Class  Class 12
Subject Economics (Macroeconomics)
Category Class 12 Economics Solutions Sandeep Garg

Sandeep Garg Macroeconomics Class 12 Solutions Circular flow of Income – Long Questions Q.6 Distinguish between: (a) Direct Tax and Indirect tax (b) Primary deficit and Revenue deficit.


(a) Direct Tax and Indirect tax

Basis Direct Taxes Indirect Taxes
Levy Direct taxes are levied on persons and corporates Indirect taxes are levied on goods and services.
Burden to pay Burden to pay cannot be shifted. Burden to pay can be shifted.
Reach They have limited reach as it does not cover all sections of society.

For example, not everyone is supposed to pay income tax.

They have wide reach and cover all sections of society.

For example, everyone is supposed to pay GST on purchase of goods and services.

(b) Primary deficit and Revenue deficit.

Basis Revenue Deficit Primary Deficit
Meaning Revenue deficit is a situation where governments revenue expenditure exceeds its revenue receipts. Primary deficit refers to the excess of fiscal deficit over interest payments on borrowings by the government.
Implication This implies government’s inability to meet its regular expenditure out of its regular income.


It indicates how much amount the government borrowing in order to just meet its expenses other than interest payments.

Long Questions – Sandeep Garg Macroeconomics Class 12 Solutions Government budget and the Economy

Sandeep Garg Macroeconomics Class 12 Solutions

Part A: Introductory Macroeconomics
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