Economics Class 12 ISC – Notes and MCQs

The syllabus of Economics Class 12 ISC, as per the new guidelines has following chapters. In accordance with the new ISC guidelines and pattern for exams for Academic Year 2022-23, we have prepared ICSE Class 12 Economics Term I Notes and MCQs which are relevant for the student of Class 12, who are studying in ISC or ICSE Board as per the latest pattern 2022-23.

ICSE or ISC Class 12 Economics Syllabus

ISC Class 12 Economics Syllabus 2022-23 (Class 12 Term wise Curriculum) comprises of the following chapters. You can read Economics Class 12 ISC Term-wise MCQs and Notes by clicking the relevant part of the Syllabus.

Economics Class 12 ISC MCQs – Term 1

Economics Class 12 ISC MCQs – Term 2

Economics Class 12 ISC Notes – Term 1

Micro Economic Theory

This chapter, Demand, covers certain important topics, which are covered under syllabus for ISCE Class 12 and are coming in Term I examination for the academic year 2022-23. These include the following : –

  • Meaning of Demand
  • Factors affecting demand
  • Demand function
  • Law of Demand
  • Derivation of demand curve
  • Movement of the demand curve
  • Shift of the demand curve
  • Exceptions to the Law of Demand.
  • Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
  • Law of Equi-marginal Utility
  • Consumer’s equilibrium through utility approach (Cardinal)
  • Indifference curve analysis (Ordinal).
  • Diagrams  explaining the Law of Demand
  • Reasons for downward slope of demand curve
  • Derivation of demand curve using demand schedule.
  • Derivation of market demand curve from individual demand curve.

This chapter, Cardinal Utility Analysis, covers certain important topics, which are covered under syllabus for ISCE Class 12 and are coming in Term I examination for the academic year 2022-23. These include the following : –

This chapter, Ordinal Utility Analysis, covers certain important topics, which are covered under syllabus for ISCE Class 12 and are coming in Term I examination for the academic year 2022-23. These include the following : –

  • Meaning and properties (including MRS and DMRS) of Indifference Curve
  • Indifference map,
  • consumer’s budget line,
  • Consumer’s equilibrium – condition

This chapter, Demand, covers certain important topics, which are covered under syllabus for ISCE Class 12 and are coming in Term I examination for the academic year 2022-23. These include the following : –

  • Meaning of Elasticity of demand
  • Types of elasticity of demand
  • Measurement of elasticity of demand
  • Factors affecting elasticity of demand.
  • Point method – percentage method of measurement of the elasticity of demand
  • Expenditure method of measurement of the elasticity of demand
  • Geometric method of measurement of the elasticity of demand
  • Cross and income elasticity of demand
  • Degrees of elasticity of demand

This chapter, Supply, covers certain important topics, which are covered under syllabus for ISCE Class 12 and are coming in Term I examination for the academic year 2022-23. These include the following : –

This chapter, Market Mechanism, covers certain important topics, which are covered under syllabus for ISCE Class 12 and are coming in Term I examination for the academic year 2022-23. These include the following : –

  • Market Mechanism – Equilibrium and disequilibrium
  • Equilibrium price
  • Effect of changes in demand and supply on the equilibrium price.
  • Price control with the help of demand and supply curves
  • Rationing  with the help of demand and supply curves
  • Price ceiling  with the help of demand and supply curves
  • Floor price with the help of demand and supply curves

This chapter, Concept of production and production function, covers certain important topics, which are covered under syllabus for ISCE Class 12 and are coming in Term I examination for the academic year 2022-23. These include the following : –

This chapter, Cost and revenue, covers certain important topics, which are covered under syllabus for ISCE Class 12 and are coming in Term I examination for the academic year 2022-23. These include the following : –

This chapter, Main market forms, covers certain important topics, which are covered under syllabus for ISCE Class 12 and are coming in Term I examination for the academic year 2021-22. These include the following : –

  • Perfect competition and its characterstics
  • Monopolistic competition and its characterstics
  • Oligopoly and its characterstics
  • Monopoly and its characterstics
  • Equilibrium of a firm in perfect competition under short run and long run.
  • Features of perfect competition
  • Features of monopolistic competition
  • Features of oligopoly
  • Features of monopoly
  • Features of monopsony
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