Internal Trade Class 11 MCQ

Internal Trade Chapter 10 Class 11 MCQs

Internal Trade Class 11 MCQ Questions for Business Studies are covered in this Article. Internal Trade Class 11 MCQ Test contains 43 questions. Answers to MCQs on Internal Trade chapter 10 Class 11 Business Studies are available after clicking on the answer.

Subject Business Studies
Topic Internal Trade Class 11 MCQ
Category Business Studies Class 11 MCQs

These MCQs have been made for Class 11 students to help check the concept you have learned from detailed classroom sessions and the application of your knowledge.

Multiple Choice Questions on Internal Trade Class 11 Business Studies

1. What do you mean by trade:

(a) Buying goods and services with the objective of earning profit.

(b) Selling of goods and services with the objective of earning profit.

(c) Buying and selling goods and services with the objective of earning profit.

(d) Buying and selling of goods and services with the objective of social work.


Answer: (c) Buying and selling goods and services with the objective of earning profit.


2. On the basis of geographical location of buyers and sellers, trade can be classified into:

(a) Internal trade and external trade

(b) Buying trade and selling trade

(c) Commerce and trade

(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Internal trade and external trade


3. Trade that takes place within the country is called:

(a) External trade

(b) Internal trade

(c) Commerce

(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) Internal trade


4. Internal trade is further classified into:

(a) State trade and city trade

(b) Domestic trade and foreign trade

(c) Wholesale trade and retail trade

(d) All of these


Answer: (c) Wholesale trade and retail trade


5. Purchase and sale of goods and services in_______quantity is referred to as wholesale trade:

(a) Small

(b) Little

(c) Large

(d) Slight


Answer: (c) Large


6. Traders dealing in retail trade are called as_______:

(a) Wholesalers

(b) Retailers

(c) Shopkeepers

(d) Sellers


Answer: (b) Retailers

Business Studies Chapter 10 Internal Trade Class 11 MCQs

7. Mr A runs a shop in the Nehru market, he sells large quantities of goods to various shopkeepers. Mr. A is a:

(a) Retailer

(b) Wholesaler

(c) Trader

(d) All of the above


Answer: (b) Wholesaler


8. Wholesalers act as a link between_______and_______:

(a) Manufacturer and customer

(b) Retailer and customer

(c) User and manufacturer

(d) Manufacturer and retailer


Answer: (d) Manufacturer and retailer


9. Which of the following is services provided by wholesalers to retailers:

(a) Availability of goods

(b) Marketing support

(c) Grant of credit

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above


10. What do you mean by Itinerant retailers:

(a) They are traders who do not have a fixed place of business to operate from.

(b) They are traders who have a fixed place of business to operate from.

(c) They are traders who do not have a fixed type of business to operate.

(d) They are traders who do not have a fixed form of business to operate.


Answer: (a) They are traders who do not have a fixed place of business to operate from.


Internal Trade Class 11 MCQ Business Studies

11. Which of the following are types of itinerant retailers:

(a) Cheap jacks

(b) Peddlers

(c) Hawkers

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above


12. Suman sells ice cream on his bicycle moving from one place to another, he is a:

(a) Cheap jack

(b) Hawker

(c) Market trader

(d) Street trader


Answer: (b) Hawker


13. Aryan has a retail shop which he opens only on Sunday. According to you under which category does Aryan come:

(a) Hawker

(b) Peddler

(c) Street trader

(d) Market trader


Answer: (d) Market trader

14. ______are considered as the oldest form of itinerant retailers:

(a) Peddlers

(b) Market trader

(c) Street trader

(d) Cheap jacks


Answer: (a) Peddlers


15. The main advantage of peddlers and hawkers are:

(a) It provides convenient service to the consumers

(b) Provides good quality products

(c) Provides after-sales services

(d) All of the above


Answer: (a) It provides convenient service to the consumers


16. Generally Market traders deal in:

(a) One particular line of merchandise

(b) All kinds of product

(c) Alternate products on alternate days

(d) All of the above


Answer: (a) One particular line of merchandise


17. Street traders are also called as:

(a) Hawkers

(b) Market traders

(c) Pavement traders

(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Pavement traders


18. Retailers who deal in goods on a hand cart near bus stops and railway stations are called as:

(a) Street traders

(b) Market traders

(c) Hawkers

(d) Peddlers


Answer: (a) Street traders


19. Fixed shop retailers are classified as:

(a) Small shop-keepers

(b) Large retailer

(c) Both of these

(d) None of these


Answer: (c) Both of these


20. General stores comes under the category of:

(a) Large stores

(b) Chain stores

(c) Departmental stores

(d) Fixed shop small retailers


Answer: (d) Fixed shop small retailers

Internal Trade Class 11 MCQ Business Studies

21. Speciality shops are_______types of retailers that deals in__________:

(a) Itinerant traders; different types of product

(b) Fixed shop retailers; specific type of products

(c) Fixed shop retailers; different type of product

(d) Chain stores; all types of products


Answer: (b) Fixed shop retailers; specific type of products


22. Generally, the________may deal in rare objects of historical value and antique items.

(a) Chain stores

(b) Departments

(c) Second-hand shops

(d) Peddlers


Answer: (c) Second hand shops


23. Which of the following is fixed shop large stores:

(a) Departmental stores

(b) Chain stores

(c) Multiple stores

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above


24. The phrase ‘all shopping under one roof’ defines:

(a) Chain stores

(b) Departmental stores

(c) Second hand shops

(d) Multiple stores


Answer: (b) Departmental stores


25. Which of the following is an example of Departmental store in India:

(a) Mc Donald’s

(b) Pizza Hut

(c) Spencer’s in Chennai

(d) All of the above


Answer: (c) Spencer’s in Chennai


26. A Departmental store:

(a) Provides almost all types of facilities

(b) Is large in size

(c) Combines the functions of retailing as well as warehousing

(d) All of these


Answer: (d) All of these


27. Which of the following is an advantage of Departmental stores

(a) No bad debts

(b) Economies of large scale operations

(c) Flexibility

(d) Low cost


Answer: (b) Economies of large scale operations

28. The reason that departmental stores attract large number of customers can be:

(a) Usually located at central places

(b) Contains expensive products

(c) Their huge operating cost

(d) All of the above


Answer: (a) Usually located at central places


29. Which among these is a limitation of departmental stores:

(a) High possibility of loss

(b) High operating cost

(c) Lack of personal attention

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above


30. Chain stores can be defined as:

(a) Network of retail shops

(b) Sub branch of departmental stores

(c) Wholesale shops

(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Network of retail shops


Internal Trade Class 11 MCQ Business Studies

31. Each retail shop of a chain network has a________who supervises it:

(a) Branch manager

(b) Store head

(c) Owner of the chain store

(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Branch manager


32. The manufacturing of merchandise of the retail units in a chain store is centralised at the________:

(a) Owner’s house

(b) Store

(c) Departmental store

(d) Head office


Answer: (d) Head office


33. The manufacturing of merchandise of chain stores is centralised at the head office, this helps in:

(a) Huge cost of operation

(b) Huge production

(c) Less production

(d) Less cost of production


Answer: (d) Less cost of production


34. Generally, chain stores make transactions on:

(a) Banks

(b) Cash

(c) UPI

(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) Cash

35. An example of Chain store is:

(a) Burger king

(b) Raymond

(c) Bata

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above


36. Which of the following is an advantage of chain stores:

(a) Elimination of middlemen

(b) No bad debts

(c) Low cost

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above


37. Which of the following can be treated as a difference between Departmental store and a food chain:

(a) Departmental stores provide different kind of products whereas chain stores providespecific type of products

(b) Departmental stores provide maximum service to their customers whereas chain stores provide very limited service

(c) Departmental stores have certain flexibility in respect of the line of goods marketed whereas chain stores do not have such flexibility

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above


38. Which of the following are services rendered by retailers to wholesalers and manufacturers:

(a) Personal selling

(b) Collecting market information

(c) Enabling large-scale operations

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above


39. Retailers help in promotion of sale of products, is this a service rendered by retailers to manufacturers:

(a) True

(b) Partially true

(c) False

(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) True


40. Following are the services rendered by the retailers to their customers:

(a) Regular availability of products

(b) New products information

(c) After-sales services

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above

41. Retailers provide credit facilities to their regular buyer, this enables the buyer to:

(a) Increase their level of consumption

(b) Increase their standard of living

(c) Both of the above

(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Both of the above


42. Retail outlets that sell their merchandise through mail are called as:

(a) General stores

(b) Mail Order Houses

(c) Super markets

(d) Chain stores


Answer: (b) Mail Order Houses


43. A supermarket:

(a) Operates on the principle of self-service

(b) Generally located at central locations

(c) Make sales on a cash basis only

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above


Class 11 Business Studies MCQs

Term 1 – MCQ of Business Studies Class 11

Part A – Foundations of Business

Term 2 – NCERT Business Studies MCQ

Part B – Finance and Trade

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