International Trade Class 11 MCQ Business Studies Chapter 11

International Trade Class 11 MCQ Business Studies

International Trade Class 11 MCQ Questions for Business Studies are covered in this Article. International Trade Class 11 MCQ Test contains 15 questions. Answers to MCQs on International Trade Class 11 Business Studies are available after clicking on the answer.

Subject Business Studies
Topic International Trade Class 11 MCQ
Category Business Studies Class 11 MCQs

These MCQs have been made for Class 11 students to help check the concept you have learned from detailed classroom sessions and the application of your knowledge.

International Trade Class 11 MCQ Business Studies

1. Full form of WTO is:

(a) Work Trade Organisation

(b) World Transfer Organisation

(c) World Trade Organisation

(d) Wonder Trade Organisation


Answer: (c) World Trade Organisation

2. Business transaction taking place within the geographical boundaries of a nation is known as:

(a) Domestic trade

(b) Internal trade

(c) Home trade

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above


3. Trade beyond the boundaries of a country is known as:

(a) Internal trade

(b) Home trade

(c) International trade

(d) All of the above


Answer: (c) International trade


4. International business involves the movement of_________from one nation to another:

(a) Goods and services

(b) Trademarks

(c) Know-how

(d) All of these


Answer: (d) All of these


5. _________has more scope than___________:

(a) International business; internal trade

(b) International trade; international business

(c) Both have the same scope

(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) International business; internal trade

6. The main reason that causes international business is:

(a) Unequal distribution of natural resources among the nations

(b) Differences in the productivity levels of nations

(c) Labour productivity and production costs differ among nations

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above


7. Which of the following is a major difference between domestic trade and international trade:

(a) Nationality of buyers and sellers

(b) Mobility of factors of production

(c) Political system and risks

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above

International Trade Class 11 MCQ Business Studies

8. When two or more firms come together to create a new business entity that is distinct from its parents it is known as:

(a) Joint venture

(b) Franchising

(c) Contract manufacturing

(d) Licensing


Answer: (a) Joint venture


9. Merchandise means:

(a) Goods that are intangible

(b) Goods that are tangible

(c) Patents

(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) Goods that are tangible

10. Merchandise goods:

(a) Includes trade in physical goods

(b) Excludes trade in services

(c) Both of the above

(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Both of the above


11. Trade in services is also known as:

(a) External trade

(b) Service trade

(c) Invisible trade

(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Invisible trade


12. When the domestic manufacturer gives the right to use intellectual property such as patent and trademark to a manufacturer in a foreign country for a fee:

(a) Licensing

(b) Contract manufacturing

(c) Joint venture

(d) None of these


Answer: (a) Licensing


13. Foreign investments can be:

(a) Direct investment

(b) Portfolio investment

(c) Both of the above

(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Both of the above

14. When a company directly invests in properties such as plant and machinery in foreign countries, it is called as:

(a) Direct investment

(b) Portfolio investment

(c) Disinvestment

(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Direct investment


15. Which of the following is a benefit of international business to countries:

(a) More efficient use of resources

(b) Earning of foreign exchange

(c) Increased standard of living

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above

Class 11 Business Studies MCQs

Term 1 – MCQ of Business Studies Class 11

Part A – Foundations of Business

Term 2 – NCERT Business Studies MCQ

Part B – Finance and Trade


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