Machine purchased is always a final good.” Do you agree?

Question 3. “Machine purchased is always a final good.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.
Class  Class 12
Subject Economics (Macroeconomics)
Category Class 12 Economics Solutions Sandeep garg

Q.3” Machine purchased is always a final good.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.

Sol. The above statement is disagreed. Machine is a capital good and the nature of good depends upon the end- use of machine. A machine may be a producer good and may be a consumer good.

If a machine is purchased by a producer for further production it is treated as a capital good or final producer good.

If a machine is purchased by a vendor for the purpose of resale, it is treated as an intermediate good.

If a machine is purchased by an individual, it is treated as a consumption good or final consumer good.

Thus, Machine may be or may not be a final good, it depends upon the end- use of machine.

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