MCQ on Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours Class 12

MCQ on Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours Class 12 are covered in this Article. Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours Class 12 MCQ Test contains 36 questions. Answers to MCQ on Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours Class 12 Economics are available after clicking on the answer.

Category CBSE Economics Class 12 MCQs
Subject Economics
Topic Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours Class 12 MCQs


Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours

1. The economic growth in various countries is partly due to________. ( Fill in the blank with correct alternative)
d)All of the above


Answer: a)Globalisation


2. The understanding of the economy of neighbouring country is essential because_____.( Fill in the blank with correct alternative)

a)It allows countries to better comprehend their own strengths and weaknesses
b)It helps countries to identify their competitors
c)For overall human development
d)All of the above


Answer: d)All of the above


3. _______ started their developmental program at the same time. ( Fill in the blank with correct alternative)

a)China and Pakistan
b)Pakistan,china and India
c)India and Pakistan
d)China and India


Answer: b)Pakistan,china and India


4. The five year plan in Pakistan is now known as _________.

( Fill in the blank with correct alternative)
a)Planning development
b)People’s plan
c)Medium term development plan
d)None of the above


Answer: c)Medium term development plan

5. Under ______, people collectively cultivated lands. ( Fill in the blank with correct alternative)

b)Five year plan
c)Commune system
d)None of the above


Answer: c)Commune system


6. In the Initial phase of reforms in China, reforms were introduced under______.( Fill in the blank with correct alternative)

b)Foreign trade
c)Investment sectorc
d)All of the above


Answer: d)All of the above


7. In the later phase of reforms in China, reforms were introduced under _____.( Fill in the blank with correct alternative)

a)Private sector firms
b)Trade policy
c)Investment sector
d)Banking sector


Answer: a)Private sector firms


8. The introduction of _________ in Pakistan led to a rise in the production of food grains. ( Fill in the blank with correct alternative)
a)Five year plan
b)Green revolution
c)Mixed economy


Answer: b)Green revolution

MCQ on Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours Class 12

9. _______ is the largest nation and occupies the largest area among India, Pakistan and China. ( Fill in the blank with correct alternative)

d)None of the above


Answer: a)China


10. The fertility rate is very low in ______ and very high in _____.( Fill in the blanks with correct alternative)
a)India , China
b)China , Pakistan
c)Pakistan, China
d)India , Pakistan


Answer: b)China , Pakistan


11. Read the following statement given below and choose the correct alternative

Statement 1- Urbanisation is very high in China
Statement 2- China has the second largest GDP in the world.
a)Both are correct
b)Both are incorrect
c)Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect
d)Statement 1 is incorrect and statement 2 is correct


Answer: a)Both are correct


12. Read the following statement given below and choose the correct alternative
Statement 1- China has the lowest density among India , pakistan and Chin
Statement 2- Only 64% of people of India live in urban areas
a)Both are correct
b)Both are incorrect
c)Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect
d)Statement 1 is incorrect and statement 2 is correct


Answer: c)Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect

13. Read the following statement given below and choose the correct alternative

Statement 1- When many developed countries were finding it difficult to maintain growth rate of 5% , India was able to maintain a double digit
Statement 2- The proportion of workforce working in agricultural sector is more in India as compared to Pakistan
a)Both are correct
b)Both are incorrect
c)Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect
d)Statement 1 is incorrect and statement 2 is correct


Answer: d)Statement 1 is incorrect and statement 2 is correct


14. Read the following statement given below and choose the correct alternative

Statement 1- In all the three sectors , service sector is emerging as a major player of development
Statement 2- China’s growth is contributed by the manufacturing and service sector
a)Both are correct
b)Both are incorrect
c)Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect
d)Statement 1 is incorrect and statement 2 is correct


Answer: a)Both are correct


15. Read the following statement given below and choose the correct alternative

Statement 1- In the 1980s India, China and Pakistan had similar growth rates.
Statement 2- Fertility rate in India was the lowest
a)Both are correct
b)Both are incorrect
c)Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect
d)Statement 1 is incorrect and statement 2 is correct


Answer: c)Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect


16. Read the following statement given below and choose the correct alternative

Statement 1- Before the introduction of reforms there was high pace of growth and modernization in China
Statement 2- Maoist vision of development in China was based on decentralisation
a)Both are correct
b)Both are incorrect
c)Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect
d)Statement 1 is incorrect and statement 2 is correct


Answer: d)Statement 1 is incorrect and statement 2 is correct

17. Choose the correctly matched pair from the following

Column A Column B
A. Reforms in China 1. 1988
B. Reforms in Pakistan 2. 1956
C. Announcement of five year plan in Pakistan 3. 1991
D. Reforms in India 4. 1978

a) A-3
b) B-1
c) C-4
d) D-2


Answer: b)B-1


18. Choose the correctly matched pair from the following

Column A Column B
A. Great proletarian cultural revolution 1. 1966-67
B. Great leap forward 2. 0.557
C. Decline in Pakistan’s growth rate 3. 1958
D. Value of HDI in Pakistan 4. 2015-17



Answer: a)A-1


MCQ on Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours Class 12

19. Choose the correctly matched pair from the following

Column A Column B
A. First five year plan in India 1. 1950s and 1960s
B. First five year plan in Pakistan 2. 1956
C. First five year plan in China 3. 1951
D. Regulated policy framework in Pakistan 4. 1953



Answer: c)C-4

20. “Reforms were introduced in China”, because

a)The new leadership wasn’t happy with the slow pace of growth and lack of modernisation
b)Maoist vision had failed
c)Both (a) and (b)
d)None of the above


Answer: c)Both (a) and (b)


21. “China has the lowest population density among the three nations”. What are the possible reasons for this?

a)Low growth rate of population
b)One child policy
c)Large geographical area
d)All of the above


Answer: d)All of the above


22. “In China, the contribution of the secondary sector is Highest”. What made this happen?

a)Great leap forward
b)Reform of 1978
c)Both (a) and (b)
d)None of the above


Answer: c)Both (a) and (b)


23. “The poverty reemerged in Pakistan”. What are the possible reasons for this?

a)Agricultural growth was not based on institutionalised process of technical change
b)Foreign exchange requirements of Pakistan
c)Non-developmental activities
d)All of the above


Answer: d)All of the above


24. Read the following statement given below and choose the correct alternative

Assertion (A)- India, China and Pakistan have started planning their development strategies in same ways
Reason (R ) – India, China and Pakistan have started to work on their developmental path at the same time
a)Both assertion and reason are true. Reason is the correct explanation of assertion
b)Both assertion and reason are true. Reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
c)Assertion is true but reason is not
d)Reason is true but assertion is not


Answer: b)Both assertion and reason are true. Reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

25. Read the following statement given below and choose the correct alternative

Assertion (A)- Pakistan is working on twelfth five year Development plan(2018-2023)
Reason (R )- China is working on the 15th five year plan (2021-2025)
a)Both assertion and reason are true. Reason is the correct explanation of assertion
b)Both assertion and reason are true. Reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
c)Assertion is true but reason is not
d)Reason is true but assertion is not


Answer: c)Assertion is true but reason is not


26. Read the following statement given below and choose the correct alternative

Assertion (A)- GLF campaign started in 1958 , was met with a lot of problems
Reason ( R )- A severe drought caused havoc in China killing about 30 million people
a)Both assertion and reason are true. Reason is the correct explanation of assertion
b)Both assertion and reason are true. Reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
c)Assertion is true but reason is not
d)Reason is true but assertion is not


Answer: a)Both assertion and reason are true. Reason is the correct explanation of assertion


27. Read the following statement given below and choose the correct alternative
Assertion (A)- Outflow of emigrants in the middle east was increased
Reason ( R)- Pakistan received financial support from western nations
a)Both assertion and reason are true. Reason is the correct explanation of assertion
b)Both assertion and reason are true. Reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
c)Assertion is true but reason is not
d)Reason is true but assertion is not


Answer: b)Both assertion and reason are true. Reason is not the correct explanation of assertion


MCQ on Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours Class 12

28. Read the following statement given below and choose the correct alternative
Assertion (A)- There was low population growth in China.
Reason (R )- One child policy was adopted by China.
a)Both assertion and reason are true. Reason is the correct explanation of assertion
b)Both assertion and reason are true. Reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
c)Assertion is true but reason is not
d)Reason is true but assertion is not


Answer: a)Both assertion and reason are true. Reason is the correct explanation of assertion


29. Read the following statement given below and choose the correct alternative

Assertion (A)- Life expectancy at birth is 69.7 in India
Reason (R )- Life expectancy at birth is 76.9 in China
a)Both assertion and reason are true. Reason is the correct explanation of assertion
b)Both assertion and reason are true. Reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
c)Assertion is true but reason is not
d)Reason is true but assertion is not


Answer: b)Both assertion and reason are true. Reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

30. Which of the following countries are not able to save women from maternal mortality. ( Choose the correct alternative)

c)Both (a) and (b)


Answer: c)Both (a) and (b


31. Which of the following were reason of slow growth rate in Pakistan ( choose the correct alternative)

a)Reliance on remittances
b)Political instability
c)Growing dependence on foreign loans
d)Both (a) and (b


Answer: d)Both (a) and (b


32. Which of the following countries have the smallest amount of poor people? ( Choose the correct alternative)

a)Both (a) and (b
d)None of the above


Answer: a)Both (a) and (b


33. Reforms in which country were first implemented at a smaller level and then in the entire country.( Choose the correct alternative)
d)None of the above


Answer: c)China


34. There was a rapid increase in the GDP of China because of ( choose the correct alternative)
a)Industrial sector has maintained a high growth
b)Political freedom
c)Reforms of 1978
d)All of the above


Answer: a)Industrial sector has maintained a high growth

35. Which of the following indicators is missing from the overall development indicators.( Choose the correct alternative)
a)HDI value
b)Infant mortality rate
d)All of the above


Answer: c)Liberty


36. Under which of the following indicators , China is moving ahead of India and Pakistan?( Choose the correct alternative)
a)GDP indicator
b)Health indicators
c)Poverty indicator
d)All of the above


Answer: d)All of the above

CBSE Economics Class 12 MCQ with Answers – Term 2

Part A: Introductory Macroeconomics

Part B: Indian Economic Development

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