Measures of Dispersion MCQ Class 11 Economics

Measures of Dispersion MCQ Class 11 Economics are covered in this Article. Measures of Dispersion Class 11 MCQ Test contains 15 questions. Answers to MCQs on Measures of Dispersion Class 11 Economics are available after clicking on the answer. This MCQ has been made for Class 11 students to help check the concept you have learned from detailed classroom sessions and the application of your knowledge.

Subject Economics (MCQ)
Topic Measures of Dispersion MCQ Class 11 Economics
Category Economics Class 11 MCQs

Measures of Dispersion MCQ Class 11 Economics

1_______ is the measure of the variation of the items.

(a) Range

(b) Quartile

(c) Mean

(d) Dispersion


Answer: (d) Dispersion


2. When a series dispersion is expressed in terms of the original unit of the series, it is called______.

(a) Central tendency

(b) Absolute measure

(c) Relative measure

(d) Dispersion


Answer: (b) Absolute measure


3. _______ expresses the variability of data in terms of some other value or percentage.

(a) Central tendency

(b) Absolute measure

(c) Relative measure

(d) Dispersion


Answer: (c) Relative measure


4. ______is a relative measure of dispersion of a series.

(a) Standard deviation

(b) Absolute deviation

(c) Relative deviation

(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Standard deviation

5. ________ is estimated by dividing the value of standard deviation by the mean of the series.

(a) Standard deviation

(b) Coefficient if standard deviation

(c) Both (a)&(b)

(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) Coefficient if standard deviation


6. Which of the following are termed as the main objectives of measuring dispersion?

(a) To know the variation of different values

(b) To compare disparity

(c) To know the range values

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above


7. Which of the following are the ways to calculate standard deviation

(a) Direct method

(b) Short cut method

(c) Step deviation method

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above


Measures of Dispersion MCQ Class 11 Economics

8. Which of the following methods is useful to calculate standard deviation when the mean is in the whole number.

(a) Direct method

(b) Short cut method

(c) Step deviation method

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above

9. The term Variance was first used by;

(a) Karl pearson

(b) RA fisher

(c) Doctor Bowley

(d) Spiegel


Answer: (b) RA fisher


10. Which of the following are the merits of standard deviation?

(a) It is based on all values

(b) Algebraic treatment

(c) Certain measure

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above


11. Read the Statement given below and choose the correct alternative.

Statement 1- Standard deviation method of dispersion is very difficult to calculate

Statement 2- Standard deviation method of dispersion gives more importance to extreme values

(a) Both are correct

(b) Both are incorrect

(c) Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect

(d) Statement 1 is incorrect and statement 2 is correct


Answer: (a) Both are correct

12. Read the Statement given below and choose the correct alternative

Statement 1- Lorenz Curve is a measure of deviation of actual distribution from the line of equal distribution.

Statement 2- Lorenz Curve was given by Spiegel

(a) Both are correct

(b) Both are incorrect

(c) Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect

(d) Statement 1 is incorrect and statement 2 is correct


Answer: (c) Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect


13. Read the Statement given below and choose the correct alternative

Statement 1- Lorenz Curve is a cumulative curve

Statement 2- Coefficient of Lorenz Curve has a direct relationship with the Lorenz Curve

(a) Both are correct

(b) Both are incorrect

(c) Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect

(d) Statement 1 is incorrect and statement 2 is correct


Answer: (c) Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect


14. Read the Statement given below and choose the correct alternative

Assertion- Lorenz Curve is a graphical measure

Reason- Lorenz Curve is the measure of dispersion in statistical series.

(a) Both Assertion and reason are true. Reason is the correct explanation of assertion

(b) Both Assertion and reason are true. Reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

(c) Assertion is true but reason is not

(d) Reason is true but assertion is not


Answer: (b) Both Assertion and reason are true. Reason is not the correct explanation of assertion


15. Read the following statement given below and choose the correct alternative

Assertion- Lorenz Curve has spread to measure disparity of distribution.

Reason – Lorenz Curve is applied to measure distribution of income and wealth.

(a) Both Assertion and reason are true. Reason is the correct explanation of assertion

(b)  Both Assertion and reason are true. Reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

(c) Assertion is true but reason is not

(d) Reason is true but assertion is not


Answer: (b)  Both Assertion and reason are true. Reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

Term 2 – NCERT Economics Class 11 MCQ

Part A – MCQ Questions for Class 11 Statistics Economics

Part B – MCQ Questions for Class 11 Microeconomics


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