National Income Aggregates Class 12 MCQ

National Income Aggregates Class 12 MCQ ISC covers certain important topics, which are covered under syllabus for ISCE Class 12 and are coming in Term II examination for the academic year 2022-23. National Income Aggregates Class 12 MCQ Test contains 60 questions. MCQ on Economics Class 12 ISC have been made for Class 12 students to help check the concept you have learnt from detailed classroom sessions and application of your knowledge.

National Income Aggregates Class 12 MCQ ISC

Important relations

1._______ is defined as the value of all final goods and services produced by all enterprises located within the domestic territory of a country.

(a) National income

(b) Domestic income

(c) Domestic territory

(d) National Territory


Answer: (b) Domestic income


2. Which of the following statements about domestic income are true;

(a) Total of factors incomes

(b) Produced in or out the domestic territory

(c) Both (a)&(b)

(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Total of factors incomes


3. ______ refers to the number of final goods and services produced by the normal residents of a country during a year.

(a) National income

(b) Domestic income

(c) Domestic territory

(d) National Territory


Answer: (a) National income

4. National income is the total of factor incomes earned by normal residents of a country during a year. (True/False)


Answer: True


5. The concept of domestic product is_____ in nature.

(a) Monetary

(b) Fiscal

(c) Geographical

(d) Political


Answer: (c) Geographical


6. Maruti Udyog is a part of______.

(a) Domestic income

(b) National income

(c) Geographical territory

(d) Both (a)&(c)


Answer: (a) Domestic income


7. Income from Suzuki company is a part of domestic income. (True/False)


Answer: False

8. The difference between the national product and the domestic product is________

(a) Intermediate product

(b) Net factor income from abroad

(c) Factor income from abroad

(d) Factor income abroad


Answer: (b) Net factor income from abroad


9. Money value of all goods and services is estimated in which of the two ways?

(a) At factor cost

(b) At money price

(c) Both (a)&(b)

(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Both (a)&(b)


10. ____ is the payment made by the firms to the factors of production for rendering factor services.

(a) Market price

(b) Factor cost

(c) Factor price

(d) Market cost


Answer: (b) Factor cost


11. Market price is the price at which a commodity is sold in the market. (True/False)


Answer: True

12. _____ is the value of all final goods and services produced by the normal residents of a country in a year calculated at market price.

(a) National income at market price

(b) National product at factor cost

(c) National income at the market level

(d) National income at market cost


Answer: (a) National income at market price


13. _____ is the value of all final goods and services produced by the normal residents of a country in a year calculated at factor cost.

(a) National income at market price

(b) National product at factor cost

(c) National income at the market level

(d) National income at market cost


Answer: (b) National product at factor cost


14. Cash grants are given by the government to the producers to sell goods at prices lower than the free market price.

(a) Tax

(b) Financial grants

(c) Subsidies

(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Subsidies


15. Indirect tax minus subsidy is called net indirect taxes. (True/False)


Answer: True

16. National product at factor cost is;

(a) National product at market price

(b) Minus indirect taxes

(c) Plus subsidies

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above


17. Consumption of fixed capital in the process of production is known as;

(a) Subsidies

(b) Depreciation

(c) Taxes

(d) All of the above


Answer: (b) Depreciation


18. Loss of value of fixed capital assets during the production process is called taxes. (True/False)


Answer: False


19. Depreciation occurs due to

(a) Normal wear and tear

(b) Production

(c) Investment

(d) Future prices


Answer: (a) Normal wear and tear

20. _______ is used by producers to meet the consumption of fixed capital.

(a) Depreciation

(b) Depreciation allowance

(c) Depreciation wear and tear

(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) Depreciation allowance


21. National product =

(a) GDP – Depreciation

(b) GDP + Depreciation

(c) GDP – NIT

(d) GDP + NIT


Answer: (a) GDP – Depreciation


National Income Aggregates Class 12 MCQ ISC

National income aggregates

22. _______ is the market value of all final goods and services at the prevailing market price produced within the domestic territory during a year.

(a) GDPmp

(b) GDPfc

(c) NNPmp

(d) Pfc


Answer: (a) GDPmp


23. GDP mp includes depreciation. (True/False)


Answer: True

24. ______ is defined as the value of all final goods and services produced by normal residents of a country during a year.

(a) GDPmp

(b) GNPfc

(c) GNPmp

(d) Pfc


Answer: (a) GDPmp


25. GNPmp includes

(a) Subsidies

(b) Depreciation

(c) Taxes

(d) All of the above


Answer: (b) Depreciation


26. GNPmp =

(a) GDPmp + NFIA

(b) GDPmp + Depreciation

(c) GDPfc + NFIA

(d) GDPfc + Depreciation


Answer: (a) GDPmp + NFIA


27. _______ is the value of all final goods and services at the prevailing market prices produced in the domestic territory during a year.

(a) GDPmp

(b) GDPfc

(c) NDPmp

(d) Pfc


Answer: (a) GDPmp

28. NDPmp =

(a) GDPmp – Depreciation

(b) GDPmp – NFIA

(c) GDPfc – Depreciation



Answer: (a) GDPmp – Depreciation


29. _______ is the value of all final goods and services at market price produced by normal residents of a country during a year

(a) NNPmp

(b) Pfc

(c) NDP

(d) Pfc


Answer: (a) NNPmp


30. GDPfc is the total of earnings received by various factors of production in the form of wages, rent, profit and interest after making depreciation allowance. (True/False)


Answer: False


31. GDPfc = GDPmp – ______

(a) Net indirect tax

(b) Depreciation

(c) NFIA

(d) NITA


Answer: (a) Net indirect tax

32. ______ is the total of earnings received by various factors of production in the form of wages, rent, profit and interest without making depreciation allowance.

(a) NNPmp

(b) Pfc

(c) NDP

(d) GNPfc


Answer: (d) GNPfc


33. ______ is the estimate of the domestic product in terms of earnings of factors of production within the domestic territory of a country in a year after making depreciation allowance.

(a) NNPmp

(b) Pfc

(c) NNPfc

(d) GNPfc


Answer: (c) NNPfc


34. Net domestic product at factor cost includes;

(a) Compensation of employees

(b) Operating surplus

(c) Mixed-income

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above


National Income Aggregates Class 12 MCQ ISC

35. _______ is defined as all payments made by producers to their employees in the form of wages and salaries and other payments made in cash and kind in return for labour service.

(a) Compensation of employees

(b) Operating surplus

(c) Mixed-income

(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Compensation of employees

36. Operating Surplus is the total property income and income from entrepreneurship. (True/False)


Answer: True


37. ______ is the total of interest, rent, profits and other similar incomes.

(a) Mixed-Income

(b) Depreciation

(c) Operating surplus

(d) Compensation in kinds


Answer: (c) Operating surplus


38. ______ is a composite of labour income and property income in case of those producers where it is difficult to differentiate between labour element and capital element in the services of a factor of production.

(a) Mixed-Income

(b) Depreciation

(c) Operating surplus

(d) Compensation in kinds


Answer: (a) Mixed-Income


39. ______ is the total compensation of employees, operating surplus and mixed income earned by the factors of production in the domestic territory of a country in a year.

(a) Pfc

(b) NNPmp

(c) NDPfc

(d) Pfc


Answer: (c) NDPfc

40. Net National Product at Factor Cost is also known as National Income. (True/False)


Answer: True


41. National income is defined as;

(a) Factor income accruing to normal residents without making depreciation allowance

(b) Factor income accruing to normal residents after making depreciation allowance

(c) Both (a)&(b)

(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) Factor income accruing to normal residents after making depreciation allowance


42. Which of the following is a private income.

(a) NDPfc

(b) Minus Income from property and entrepreneurship

(c) Minus National debt interest

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above


43. _____ is the average income of the normal residents of a country in a particular year.

(a) Average rate

(b) Per capita income

(c) Per capita Production

(d) Average profit


Answer: (b) Per capita income

44. Per capita income is the income of the entire population. (True/False)


Answer: False


45. Per capita income = National income/Population. (True/False)


Answer: True


46. _____ is the money value of all final goods and services produced by all the enterprises located in the domestic territory during a particular year expressed at the prevailing market price.

(a) GDP at constant price

(b) GDP at the current price

(c) GDP at current cost

(d) GDP at constant cost


Answer: (b) GDP at the current price


47. _____ measures the value of final goods and services produced by all the enterprises located within the domestic territory of a country during a particular year expressed at the market prices prevailing in a particular year, which becomes the base year.

(a) GDP at constant price

(b) GDP at the current price

(c) GDP at current cost

(d) GDP at constant cost


Answer: (a) GDP at constant price

48. Goods and services included in the GDP of each year are valued at the prices of the base year. (True/False)


Answer: True


49. GDP at current prices can change from one year to another partly because;

(a) Of a change in the physical quantities of final goods and services produced

(b) In a change of the market prices at which these goods and services are valued.

(c) Both (a)&(b)

(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Both (a)&(b)


50. ______ does not reflect growth in the real domestic output.

(a) GDP at constant price

(b) GDP at the current price

(c) GDP at current cost

(d) GDP at constant cost


Answer: (b) GDP at the current price


51. _____ is that number that measures the changes in prices between different years.

(a) GDP number

(b) Price index

(c) Index number

(d) Price number


Answer: (c) Index number

National Income Aggregates Class 12 MCQ ISC

National income and economic welfare

52. Welfare is taken to mean a sense of satisfaction and happiness, a sense of well-being or feeling better off. (True/False).


Answer: True


53. The total welfare is divided into;

(a) Economic welfare

(b) Non-economic welfare.

(c) Both (a)&(b)

(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Both (a)&(b)


54. ______ welfare refers to non-economic values of people in the society.

(a) Economic welfare

(b) Non-economic welfare.

(c) Both (a)&(b)

(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) Non-economic welfare.


55. Non- economic welfare relates to

(a) social values

(b) moral values.

(c) political values

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above

56. Which of the following are examples of non-economic welfare

(a) Social welfare

(b) love and affection of the family members for each other

(c) Patriotism

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above


57. _____ refers to material well-being of the people.

(a) Moral welfare

(b) Economic welfare

(c) Social welfare

(d) Political welfare


Answer: (b) Economic welfare

58. ________ means the total satisfaction or utility derived from the use of goods and services that can be purchased for money.

(a) Moral welfare

(b) Economic welfare

(c) Social welfare

(d) Political welfare


Answer: (b) Economic welfare


59. Economic welfare can’t be expressed as a function of goods and services and their prices. (True/False)


Answer: False


60. While taking national income as an indicator of economic welfare, national. income should be taken in ______.

(a) Real terms

(b) Nominal terms

(c) Both (a)&(b)

(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Real terms

Economics Class 12 ISC MCQs – Term 2

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