What is Economics Class 11 Notes Microeconomics

What is Economics Class 11 Notes Microeconomics

What is economics class 11 is a question that every student must ask before beginning their journey of economics for better understanding. These notes are important and helpful for students preparing for tests and exams.

What is Economics Class 11

Let’s define economics class 11 in this section.

The word Economics comes from two Greek words – ‘Eco’ meaning home, and ‘nomos’ meaning accounts. Over a period of time, there have been many definitions of Economics. Initially,  Economics was known as the Science of Wealth. It later came to be known as the study of general methods by which men achieve their material needs.

To understand the meaning of economics class 11, we must first understand the problem of wants and scarcity of resources.

You can also watch our explanatory Video on What is Economics? This video explains What is Economics, Unlimited Wants, Scarcity of Resources, and how an individual makes a choice given the limited resource with examples. This video gives a wholesome definition of economics class 11.

Unlimited Wants 

A society is made up of humans, and humans need several goods and services in their lives. The desire to obtain these goods and services is known as “Wants”.  It is known that humans have unlimited wants. For example, a person who has just bought a house may want a car after buying the house. Once he gets the car,  he may want a bigger car and a bigger house, advanced electronics appliances, clothing, and so on.

Not only is the Human Wants unlimited, but they also differ in priority. For every individual, some wants are more necessary than others. For example, for a person who is below the poverty line, Wants like food and shelter would be more important than the Want relating to mobile phones.

Scarcity of Resources  under What is Economics Class 11

What is economics class 11th notes specify the meaning of scarcity as follows;

Certain resources are required to produce goods and services which satisfy human wants. These resources are available in limited quantities and each such resource also has several alternate uses. Therefore, to satisfy unlimited wants, there are limited resources, and each such resource has alternative uses. For example, petrol is used not only in vehicles but also for running machines, generators etc. Thus the problem of scarcity of resources arises.

Define What is Economics Class 11

Economics as a Social Science

Economics is all about making choices to use goods and services to satisfy wants, with scarce resources.

Economics studies human behaviour as a relationship between means i.e. resources and ends i.e. human wants. Economics aims to make sure that limited resources are optimally utilized in the best possible manner.

In other words, Economics is a social science concerned with the proper use and allocation of resources for the achievement and maintenance of growth stability.


It can also be defined as the social science concerned with the production, consumption and distribution of goods and services.

It is the field of science that studies how businesses, firms, individuals, Governments and nations make choices on allocation of their limited resources in order to satisfy their unlimited wants and needs. Economics studies the process of production of goods and services their distribution in the market and finally their consumption by the consumer.

Taking these explanations, economics can be defined as follows –

Economics is a social science that studies the way society chooses to use its limited resources, which have alternate uses, to produce goods and services and to distribute them among different groups of people.

What is economics class 11 notes deals with the basic definition of economics so that students can form a strong foundation for the upcoming subject matter. These notes define the meaning of economics in the best way possible. It helps the students to get comprehensive pointers on fingertips for revision and last-minute understanding.

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