Advertising Class 12 Notes – Benefits, Limitations, Objections

Advertising Class 12 business studies explain the concept, merits and limitations of advertising. It explains how advertising helps in the promotion of the market and makes people aware of the product. A detailed explanation of the topic is given below.

Advertising Class 12

Promotion means communicating information about the products and services and their uses to the target customers and then persuading them to buy or use the product or service. A promotion mix is the combination of various tools that are used for promotion such as advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, etc.

There are various factors that help in determining what kind of promotion should be selected by the firm based on the budget, objectives of the firm, type of product, etc.

Advertising is one such tool for promotion in the promotion mix. It is the most common tool in the market. It means it is an impersonal form of communication which means it does not involve the conversion of the marketer and the consumer but is only a monologue of the marketer i.e. advertiser.

It can be a written advertisement such as in newspapers, hoardings, bulletin, etc. or it can be oral such as radio, television, etc. it is a paid form of promotion where the marketer who is also known as a sponsor during Advertising, is the one who bears the cost of the advertisement or any outsider can be selected for paying for the advertisement in the market will make the advertisement efforts.

Benefits of adverting Class 12

There are several advantages of this method of promotion. Such as:

Mass reach

Advertisement is a method through which the advertiser or the marketer can reach out to the potential consumer who is spread over a vast geographical area. For example advertisements in newspapers and television.

Enhancing customer satisfaction

One of the important benefits of Advertising Class 12 is it increases customer satisfaction. Satisfaction of customers is very important to gain more customers and to retain existing customers and this satisfaction and confidence in products will come when the customers rest assured for the products will appear on a public platform.

Expressiveness under Advertising Class 12 

Expression is very important for persuasion. This expressiveness has improved in these few years due to development in technology and art while helping in creating a better advertisement using animations, doodles, graphics, designs, etc, making the message even more attractive.


When large numbers of people are to be reached who are spread over a wide geographical area then it is an economical plan to go for.

Limitations of advertising Class 12

Advertisement does not come without limitations and they are as under:

Less forceful 

We cannot judge the advertisement’s effectiveness because it is not forceful and we can never know how much impact it is creating on the potential customers because it does not involve any immediate feedback and it is not a compulsion for the viewer to focus on the advertisement.

Lack of feedback under Advertising Class 12 

One of the limitations of Advertising Class 12 lack of feedback. Feedback is also not possible due to the lack of a feedback mechanism it becomes difficult to judge the impact.


There are various potential customers in the potential markets and they belong to different categories that would be convinced or persuaded by different kinds of advertisement. But an advertisement will be standardized and cannot be made according to different categories of customers and thus becomes a less flexible tool of promotion.

Less effectiveness under Advertising Class 12 

Due to the bulk of advertisements in the market, it is becoming difficult for the viewers to grasp the message as they start ignoring these advertisements and an advertisement loses its effectiveness because it is not forceful enough.

Advertising Class 12 business studies conclude that advertising is essential for every organization to aware the customer about their products and persuade them to buy their products.

BST Chapter 11 – Marketing

  1. Marketing Management
  2. Marketing Management Philosophies
  3. Functions of marketing
  4. Marketing mix
  5. Products – Classification of Products
  6. Branding
  7. Packaging – Levels , Functions & Importance
  8. Labelling
  9. Pricing – Factors affecting Price of a Product or Service
  10. Components of Physical Distribution
  11. Channels of Distribution
  12. Advertising – Benefits, Limitations, Objections
  13. Personal selling
  14. Sales promotion
  15. Publicity – Characteristics and Objectives
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