Branding Class 12 Notes Business Studies Chapter 11

Branding Class 12 explains the meaning of brand and branding and why it is important to do branding for any organization. All the topics related to the topic are given below.

Branding Class 12

Branding is one of the most important elements of a product mix. It is an important decision regarding the sale of the product under the generic name or a specific brand name. During the branding process, an organization decided what will be the name of the product, the logo, and the image of the product. It is very important to have a differentiated name so that it becomes easy for the customers to identify our product in the market. Thus, it facilitates product differentiation. The generic name is not very useful for the products because it does not help the buyer in identifying our products in the market where there are many products of the same kind.

Important terms related to Branding Class 12


A brand can be described as a sign, symbol, name, logo, design, or maybe a combination of some of them so that it helps in identification and differentiation from the competitors’ products. For example Samsung, Oppo, Vivo, Micromax, etc.

Brand name and brand mark

The brand name is part of the brand which can be spoken i.e. verbal component of the brand while the brand mark is a non-utterable part of the brand i.e. it can be a design. For example, parle G is a brand name while the girl printed on the parle G biscuits packets is the brand mark.

Trademark under Branding Class 12 

A part of the brand or complete brand can be legally protected and it is thus called a trademark. This is done for safeguarding the name of the brand being used by other people in the market or for other malpractices.

Characteristics of good brand name Class 12

There are certain characteristics that all good brands have in common. They are as under:

  1. As per Branding Class 12, A brand name should be easy to read, identify and pronounce so that the customers can remember the name and can come for the purchase again. For example apple, idea, Rin etc.
  2. A brand name should be attractive and unique. It should not be common and should be catchy. For example Maggi.
  3. A brand name should be capable enough to explain the benefits and qualities and also the utility of the product without creating confusion in the minds of the buyers. For example head and shoulders.
  4. A brand name should be unique and distinctive and have a separate identity from the competitors. For example coca-cola, Fanta etc.
  5. A brand name should be easy to advertise and should be adjustable enough to suit the packaging and labelling requirements of the products. For example Reebok, Adidas, Bata etc.
  6. It should be versatile. It should have the capability to accommodate new products so that they can be merged under the same name. For example Dabur. There are various products under the single brand name Dabur.
  7. A good brand is registered and legally protected so that it does not enter into any chaos later on and do not involve in illegal activities.
  8. As per Branding Class 12, a Brand name is considered good when it is up to date or it is evergreen and does not get old. For example Reynolds and signature pens.

Branding Class 12 Business Studies notes conclude that branding provides uniqueness to the product and firms can do price differentiation with the help of branding.

BST Chapter 11 – Marketing

  1. Marketing Management
  2. Marketing Management Philosophies
  3. Functions of marketing
  4. Marketing mix
  5. Products – Classification of Products
  6. Branding
  7. Packaging – Levels , Functions & Importance
  8. Labelling
  9. Pricing – Factors affecting Price of a Product or Service
  10. Components of Physical Distribution
  11. Channels of Distribution
  12. Advertising – Benefits, Limitations, Objections
  13. Personal selling
  14. Sales promotion
  15. Publicity – Characteristics and Objectives
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