Business Studies Class 12 CBSE Notes

The syllabus of NCERT Business Studies Class 12 notes comprises of the following chapters. You can avail Commerce Aspirant for getting fascinating and  exceptionally detailed Notes Of Class 12 Business Studies. We have prepared various notes along with detailed questions and their solution for BST notes class 12, who may be studying in CBSE.

Business Studies Class 12 Notes Chapter wise Solutions for CBSE Books

Business Studies Class 12 Notes serve as a handy tool for effective preparation of Business  Studies examination. These are curated by our subject experts who have years of experience in  this field.

The information provided in CBSE class 12 business studies Notes is carefully selected by following the latest guidelines and prescribed syllabus to guide students into mastering the concept. You can read through our Notes by clicking the relevant part of the Syllabus or Videos by clicking the link at the end of the Syllabus.

Business Studies Class 12 Notes Part 1  

BST Chapter 1 – Nature and Significance of Management Class 12

  1. Characteristics of Management
  2. Objectives of Management
  3. Management as an Art
  4. Management as Science
  5. Management as Profession
  6. Levels and Functions of Management
  7. Coordination — The Essence of Management

BST Chapter 2 – Principles of Management

  1. Concept of Principles of Management
  2. Taylor’s Scientific Management
  3. Fayol’s Principles of Management

BST Chapter 3 Business Environment

  1. Introduction & Meaning & Importance of Business Environment
  2. Dimensions of Business Environment

BST Chapter 4 – Planning

  1. Introduction, Meaning, Importance, Features & Limitations of Planning
  2. Planning Process

BST Chapter 5 – Organising

  1. Introduction to Organisation and its Importance
  2. Steps in the process of Organising
  3. Organisation Structure
  4. Delegation
  5. Decentralisation

BST Chapter 6 – Staffing

  1. Need and Importance of Staffing
  2. Staffing as a part of Human resource
  3. Introduction to recruitment
  4. Training and development

BST Chapter 7 – Directing

  1. Directing – Introduction, Meaning, Importance & Principles
  2. Supervision – Elements of Directing
  3. Motivation – Element of Directing
  4. Incentives – Types of Incentives
  5. Maslow’s need hierarchy theory of motivation
  6. Leadership
  7. Communication
    1. Formal and Informal Communication
    2. Barriers to Communication

BST Chapter 8 – Controlling

  1. Meaning of Controlling

Business Studies Part 2

BST Chapter 9 – Financial Management

  1. Business Finance
  2. Objectives of Financial Management
  3. Financial Planning
  4. Financial decisions in Financial Management
  5. Capital Structure in Financial Management

BST Chapter 10 – Financial Markets

  1. Financial Market
  2. Money Market
  3. Capital Market
  4. Stock Exchange
  5. Securities and exchange board of India (SEBI)

BST Chapter 11 – Marketing

  1. Marketing Management
  2. Marketing Management Philosophies
  3. Functions of marketing
  4. Marketing mix
  5. Branding
  6. Packaging – Levels , Functions & Importance
  7. Labelling
  8. Pricing – Factors affecting Price of a Product or Service
  9. Components of Physical Distribution
  10. Channels of Distribution
  11. Advertising – Benefits, Limitations, Objections
  12. Personal selling
  13. Sales promotion

BST Chapter 12 – Consumer Protection

  1. Role of Consumer Organizations and NGOs

NCERT Business Studies Class 12  

BST is a very important subject for commerce stream students. Students are  stressed before the exam because of the lengthy syllabus and its revision. It is time consuming  and hectic to cover the entire textbook each time you revise.

So, Business Studies Class 12  Revision notes play a major role in completing the syllabus with ease at the time of  examination making the learning cycle interesting.  Business Studies 12 Notes are available in chapter wise format for quick access.

These notes  are designed in such a way that students can rely on these notes for getting a good grip over  the concepts. With the help of these notes students can plan their strategy for a particular  weaker section of the subject and study hard to get good marks.

Important Features of BST Notes Class 12

  1. Easy language and catchy format.
  2. NCERT Business Studies Class 12 notes cover all the necessary formulas and  concepts being presented in the chapter.
  3. These notes save your time during exams.
  4. Help you to remain stress free.
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