Communication Class 12 Notes

Communication Class 12 explains the meaning of communication and its element. Communication is an essential part of the organization as no organization can work without a proper communication channel. All the topics related to the topic are given below.

Communication Class 12

Communication is a process that is an essential part of directing process which means the exchange of ideas, thoughts, views, facts, knowledge, figures, etc. This transfer of information of any kind and getting a response for the same is known as the process of communication. Communication is different from mere talking and listening. It includes both. When a person is speaking and listening to the person he is speaking to then it becomes effective communication. One major aspect of communication is ‘understanding’. A person who is speaking should do so in an effective manner so that the person who is listening should be able to comprehend it.

Elements of Communication Class 12

There are various elements of effective communication as understood by the various definitions given by management experts. These are as under:


It means the person who wants to convey his ideas and thoughts to another person. The sender is the ‘source’ of the communication.


It is the idea, thought, fact, figure, feeling, suggestion, knowledge, etc that the sender wants to communicate.


That message will be converted into an understandable symbol i.e. a written format, oral means, pictures, gestures, etc.

Media under Communication Class 12 

Media or medium is the channel through which the encoded message of the sender will be sent to the receiver. The medium can be face-to-face, online platform, paper, phone call, etc.


While decoding the message sent by the sender will be converted back into the format which the receiver finds comfortable.


The receiver finally understands the message by decoding it.

Feedback under Communication Class 12 

The communication process does not end with receiving the message. The feedback is also to be given back to the sender indicating that the receiver has understood the message. Here, the receiver of the message becomes the sender and the process continues.


Noise means a hindrance in the communication processes. The noise can be on the part of the sender, message, or receiver such as faulty encoding, poor expressions or gestures, poor internet connection, poor telephone network, lack of attention, decoding the wrong message, semantic barriers, prejudices, etc.

After going through the content you must have understood the meaning and the process of Communication Class 12 business studies and how it is important for every organization for achieving organizational goals.

  1. Directing – Introduction, Meaning, Importance & Principles
  2. Motivation – Element of Directing
  3. Incentives – Types of Incentives
  4. Maslow’s need hierarchy theory of motivation
  5. Leadership
  6. Communication
    1. Barriers to Communication
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