Directing Class 12 Notes – Principles, Features & Importance of Directing

After staffing, Directing is the next and an important step in management process as in this employees are motivated and leaded to achieve the goals effectively and efficiently. All the points stating the Importance of Directing Class 12 are given below.

CBSE Class 12 Notes on Directing – Business Studies


When the plans are made and the organizational hierarchy and job roles are determined and people are appointed for doing those roles then it is important to guide those people who are the employees of the organization to initiate the action. Directing is done for the same purpose.

It is a managerial action taken throughout the life of an organization so that the work keeps going on and employees are always motivated to do their job. In this process, the employees are guided, motivated, leaded, instructed and counselled to achieve the organizational goals

We everywhere see the examples of direction being given to the people, for example, teacher gives the direction and motivates the students to study and complete their notes on time, parents directing their children throughout life, a coach directing the players to play in a certain manner etc. In this similar way, the subordinates are directed by the superior so that the targets are achieved.

Characteristics of directing under Importance of directing class 12

  1. It initiates action
  2. Takes place at every level of management
  3. It is a continuous process
  4. It flows from top to bottom

Importance of directing class 12

Directing process is very important for efficient and effective working of an organization. Other important areas include:

Helps in initiating action

Directing as a managerial process is very important for initiating action among the employees so that they can work towards attainment of organizational goals. When a superior guides, motivates and counsels the subordinate then the subordinate knows in which direction he needs to put his efforts and thus he or she will perform the actions in a direction of goals of the organization.

Helps in achieving the objectives

Importance of Directing Class 12 states that Directing helps in achieving the objectives not only because the employees are guided by the heads but also because their efforts are combined and each individual effort is aligned with the organizational success. They work for their personal objectives and they match those objectives to achieve the company’s objectives as a whole.

Full realisation of employee’s potential under Importance of Directing Class 12

Directing process is really beneficial in identifying the qualities of an employee and motivating them to use the full potential of those qualities. Directing an employee will help in realising the potential of the employees by efficient and effective leadership.

Ease in introducing changes

Directing is very important in an organization because every organization which wants to grow will go through changes but it is human nature to resist change. Directing as a process will help in motivation, leading and counselling the people in an organization so that they can take those changes whole heartedly and thus resistance is reduced and cooperation is increased.

Stability in an organization

Importance of Directing Class 12 can be seen in employees as Directing the employees helps in maintain a balance in an organization as it brings the unity and commitment of various employees towards the organizational success.

Chapter 7 – Directing

  1. Directing – Introduction, Meaning &Importance
  2. Motivation – Element of Directing
  3. Incentives – Types of Incentives
  4. Maslow’s need hierarchy theory of motivation
  5. Leadership
  6. Communication
    1. Barriers to Communication
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