Labelling Class 12 Notes – Types and Functions of Labelling

Labelling Class 12 explains the meaning of labelling it explains how labelling is not just the outer cover only it shares all the relevant information about a product. A detailed explanation of the concept and functions of labelling is given below.

Labelling in Marketing Class 12

Labelling Class 12 is an important element of the product mix. Labelling means attaching a piece of paper, a printed material or an unprinted one to display the contents of the product such as the name of the manufacturer, price of the product, place of manufacturing and all such things that can be beneficial to the consumers. This informative tag, a seal etc that is attached to the product is known as a label.

Functions of labelling Class 12

There are various functions performed by labelling on the products and are discussed as under:

Describe the product and specify its contents

A label which means a tag which is put on the product is very important for describing the product and its usage and also specifying the contents of the product. It is very important for certain products to display clear contents so that a precaution can be taken by the consumer before their use.

For example, All medicinal products have a list of ingredients on the medicine and it specifies the areas where it cannot be used and also includes ‘consult the physician before use’, all these precautionary details are important before use.

Starting from the first thing we use in a day is toothpaste and it has clear specifications related to its use it also clearly mentions ‘use twice a day for better results and other information related to the gum problems which it will be addressing.

Any sharp objects have a tag including ‘keep it away from kids below 5 years of age’. Food products also mention their method of preparation such as Maggie, which includes the steps in which it can be prepared.

Identification of the brand or product

Labels are very important in today’s world where there is a market full of identical products. It is very important to be different and eye-catching so that consumers get attracted towards the products, especially in self-service outlets. The label on the product comes in handy when the consumer wants to read about the specifications and caution detail of the product. For example brands such as vegetable oil includes various details related to their use, contents, preservatives and caution details about the oil. Other common labels will include the details of the manufacturer and their location, along with the net weight of the product, batch number, price of the product, date of manufacturing, expiry date of the product etc.

Grading of products under Labelling Class 12

One of the important functions of labelling class 12 is Grading. The grade label is very important for grading the product into different categories. Grading is done to differentiate between different quality products or different features of the products. This helps the manufacturer in keeping the products separate and also helps the consumer clearly identify the quality of the product which they want.

For example, cosmetics products such as body lotion can have different categories such as body lotion for dry skin, normal skin and oily skin. Milk products can also be classified and labelled according to the fact content such as 5% fat, 2% fat and 0.5% fat in the milk packets.


Helps in the promotion of the product

Labelling Class 12 is an important part of the product mix as it helps in the promotion of the product. A good label with an attractive design will help in promoting the product in the market. They are even important for some promotional schemes such as sales promotion. The label of the product will be able to promote itself in the areas where the consumer needs to identify and choose for himself.

For example, A product mentioning ‘buy 1 get 1 free’, this can be included in the label or ‘limited edition’ etc. there are many products such as chips or chocolate products, that usually mention ‘15% extra’, or products such as detergent powder –‘save Rs. 25’ etc.

Providing information required by law under Labelling Class 12

As per Labelling Class 12, There is some information which needs to be disclosed by the manufacturer to the consumer in adherence to the competition and consumer act, of 2010. The food and drug administration has mentioned that food products should compulsorily mention nutritional labelling. It is also compulsory for certain products like tobacco and packets of cigarettes to have a statutory warning that these products are injurious to health. Hazardous and poisonous products also have warnings related to their safety and usage.

Labelling Class 12 perform various important functions as mentioned above and thus helps the producers/manufacturers, sellers and consumers by serving different purposes.

BST Chapter 11 – Marketing

  1. Marketing Management
  2. Marketing Management Philosophies
  3. Functions of marketing
  4. Marketing mix
  5. Products – Classification of Products
  6. Branding
  7. Packaging – Levels , Functions & Importance
  8. Labelling
  9. Pricing – Factors affecting Price of a Product or Service
  10. Components of Physical Distribution
  11. Channels of Distribution
  12. Advertising – Benefits, Limitations, Objections
  13. Personal selling
  14. Sales promotion
  15. Publicity – Characteristics and Objectives
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