National Income and related aggregates Class 12 Numericals

National Income and Related Aggregates Class 12 Numericals

Example No. 1:-

Calculate GNP at FC.

National Income and related aggregates Class 12 Numericals


National Income and related aggregates Class 12 Numericals image 2

Example No. 2:-

Calculate Domestic income.

National Income and related aggregates Class 12 Numericals image 3


National Income and related aggregates Class 12 Numericals image 4

Example No. 3:-

Calculate National Income – National Income Numericals with Solutions Class 12

National Income and related aggregates Class 12 Numericals image 5


National Income and related aggregates Class 12 Numericals image 6

Value Added Method of National Income

This Methods of calculating national income class 12 is used to calculate national income from the various phases of the circular flow of income. It shows the contribution of each production unit in producing goods and services. This method is also known as the Product Method, Production Method, or Net Output Method.

Example No. 1:-

Calculate value-added of National Income by Firm A and Firm B – National Income Numericals

Value Added Method Numericals image 1


Value Added Method Numericals image 2

Example No. 2:-

Calculate gross value added at factor cost by firm X – National Income Numericals

Value Added Method Numericals image 3


Value Added Method Numericals image 4

Example No. 3:-

Calculate Value of Output form the Following Data – National Income Numericals

Value Added Method Numericals image 5


Value Added Method Numericals image 6

Example No. 4:-

Calculate (a) Value of output (b) Intermediate consumption and (c) NVA at FC from the following data.

Value Added Method Numericals image 7


Value Added Method Numericals image 8

National Income and related aggregates Income Method Numericals

According to this method, all the income received or accrued to be received by the factors of production through wages, salaries, interests, rent, royalty, profits, etc…. are summed up to get the national income. The income methods give NDPFC  (an aggregate of national income). This is also called domestic income. This method includes all the incomes earned by the normal resident of our country during the year. This method is also known as “factor payment method”.

Example No. 1:-

Calculate NDP at FC.

National Income and related aggregates Income Method Numericals image 1


National Income and related aggregates Income Method Numericals image 2

Example No. 2:-

Calculate form the following data, National Income.

National Income and related aggregates Income Method Numericals image 3


National Income and related aggregates Income Method Numericals image 4

Example No. 3:-

Calculate National Income.

National Income and related aggregates Income Method Numericals image 5


National Income and related aggregates Income Method Numericals image 6

Example No. 4:-

Calculate Operating Surplus.

National Income and related aggregates Income Method Numericals image 7


National Income and related aggregates Income Method Numericals image 8

National Income and related aggregates Class 12 Numericals on Expenditure Method

The factor income earned by the factors of production is spent in the form of consumption expenditure and received back by the firms. The expenditure is made by the households, business firms, government and the foreign sector. This final expenditure is sum totaled to get GDPMP(an aggregate of national income). This method is also known as “Income Disposable Method”.

Example No. 1:-

Calculate GDP at MP.

National Income and related aggregates Class 12 Numericals on Expenditure Method image 1


National Income and related aggregates Class 12 Numericals on Expenditure Method image 2

Example No. 2:-

Calculate Gross Fixed Capital Formation.

National Income and related aggregates Class 12 Numericals on Expenditure Method image 3


National Income and related aggregates Class 12 Numericals on Expenditure Method image 4

Example No. 3:-

Calculate NDP at FC by expenditure method.

National Income and related aggregates Class 12 Numericals on Expenditure Method image 5


National Income and related aggregates Class 12 Numericals on Expenditure Method image 6

Example No. 4:-

Calculate National Income by Income and Expenditure Method.

National Income and related aggregates Class 12 Numericals on Expenditure Method image 7



National Income and related aggregates Class 12 Numericals on Expenditure Method image 8


National Income and related aggregates Class 12 Numericals on Expenditure Method image 10

CBSE Class 12 Economics Notes Term II Syllabus

Part A: Introductory Macroeconomics

Part B: Indian Economic Development

Current challenges facing Indian Economy – 12 Marks

Development Experience of India – A Comparison with Neighbours – 6 Marks

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