Need and Importance of Staffing Class 12 Notes

Importance of Staffing tells us that staffing is an essential function of management as it put human resources to work. The importance of Staffing class 12 notes are given below.

Need for Staffing 

Staffing is the process in which people are put to work. All the jobs created during the ‘organizing’ function, will be filled during the ‘staffing’ function. When proper planning is done about what is to be done, how is to be done and when it is to be done and the creation of proper organizational structure, then it is time for the organization to know about the human resource requirement. It is an important question during staffing to know what kinds of personnel are required and how many personnel are required.

Staffing is thus the process of identifying the need of the personnel, recruitment, selection, orientation and then training and development. Staffing is very important for any organization for proper delegation, decentralization and standardization. The reasons or need for staffing or the importance of staffing are as under:


Basis of any Organization

Every organization uses different resources from society such as money, material or machinery. Similarly, it uses human resources too. Humans are the basis for any organization as they are required for the completion of tasks of the organization. The right kind of personnel is required for doing the right kind of job and it will determine whether the organization will succeed or it will demolish. Thus, it is the basis for making or breaking the business organization.

Achievement of objectives as an Importance of Staffing 

Whether the organization will achieve its objectives or it will fail to do so, depends on the kind of workforce the organization has. No organization can achieve its objectives until it finds and keeps the positions rightly filled with the right kind of people. It helps in the minimization of costs and maximization of profits through the best utilization of other resources such as money, raw materials, finished products or machinery.

Discovering and obtaining competent personnel

It is very important to cope with the needs of the enterprise. Staffing helps in coping with that. It helps in discovering the people who match the need of the organization. It is a two-way process. Not only an organization’s needs are fulfilled but the person also gets the right kind of job for himself or herself. Staffing helps in finding and appointing competent personnel and later helps in retaining them.

Putting the right people on the right job as Importance of Staffing

An organization does not do a single task. It has to take care of multiple areas such as marketing, operations, human resource management, and financial management. Different people have skills in different areas. It is not possible to ace all the areas and thus it becomes important to put the person with the right kind of skills at the job suited to his or her skills.

For example, X has done his MBA in operations management, so a firm cannot give him the job to manage finance, otherwise, the work in the organization would suffer.

Optimum utilization of human resource

Optimum utilization means there is an adequate number of personnel in an organization. Staffing as a process helps in avoiding over or under-utilization of human resources and thus helps in overmanning or under-manning. When more personnel are appointed in an organization than the required number, this increases the cost of the organization and creates chaos. Under Manning will lead to non-completion of work or overburden on single personnel.

Improves job satisfaction as Importance of Staffing 

Staffing as a process involving the human element deals with the emotions of employees. It has the factor which takes care of the emotions of people through motivation and leadership. Motivating the employees is very important because any personnel who work half-heartedly will not put his best efforts into the completion of the work and thus quality of work suffers. When the superior motivates the subordinate in an effective manner, then the work quality improves and the job turnover ratio reduces. It increases the morale of the employees by providing them with rewards for their contribution.

Finishing touches for organizing process

The organizing process means creating the structure of the organization and thus dividing the responsibilities and duties among different workers or employees of the organization. It is a very important process which helps in bringing clarity in the direction of duties and responsibilities. Staffing is the next process, in which people are recruited and selected for the positions which are created while organizing. It is the process in which the person is appointed for the work which is required by the organization in order to achieve the goals.

Key for directing and controlling as Importance of staffing 

Directing the process wherein, the manager instructs the employees; leads them and guides them. This process can only take place when there is proper staffing done. When people are recruited and placed in the right position for their work then only directing and leadership takes place. Controlling also gains importance only when employees do their work in the best possible manner and this is done when the right people are appointed for the right job.

Healthy personnel relationships

Need of Staffing can be justified as Staffing is a process which establishes a relationship between various employees of the organization. It helps in setting up a good relationship between superiors and subordinates, thus, ensuring organizational peace and improving cooperation between employees. When an employee has good relationships and peer recognition then his social needs are fulfilled and then employee turnover also reduces.

Competitive advantage

It is a competitive world and to beat this competition, a well-staffed organization with the best policies is required. Changes can be managed properly only when the organization has skilful and motivated staff. Staffing as a process deals with acquiring the right people for the right job who are then trained better than the competitors. Better the workforce, better the goodwill.


Staffing is thus the process of putting the right skilled people at the job they are right for. Staffing has many advantages. There is a need for staffing for various benefits. The main need is to achieve the objectives. Staffing helps in the survival and growth of the organization and it helps in coping with the needs of the organization. It also helps in the development and skills of personnel. All in all, staffing as the process of management requires the right amount of time to be devoted towards it, so as to gain various benefits.

Chapter 6 – Staffing

  1. Need and Importance of Staffing
  2. Staffing as a part of Human resource
  3. Introduction to recruitment
  4. Training and development
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