Securities and exchange board of India (SEBI) Class 12 Notes

What is SEBI Class 12, The answer to this question can be understood by going through these notes as they provide meaning, functions and objectives of SEBI. A detailed explanation of all the topics is given below.

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)

The securities and exchange board of India (SEBI) was first established on April 12, 1988. Earlier it did not have any statutory power and it used to function under the administration of the finance ministry of India. Later on, January 30, 1992, it was given statutory power through an ordinance and this ordinance was later replaced by the securities and exchange board of India Act, 1992.

SEBI Class 12 was established with the purpose of safeguarding the interest of the savers/investors and also regulating the securities market. it helped in promoting the market and thus helped in the growth of the economy.

With ever-growing investment in the securities market during 1980, what came along were the malpractices and unfair trade practices. These practices were done by companies, brokers, investment consultants, merchant bankers, and other bodies involved in the investment arena.

They used to play against the interest of the investors by making delays in payments, giving unofficial premiums of shares, manipulating prices, unofficial private placement, not adhering to the companies act, etc.

To redress these problems of the investors it became important to set up a body that could control these malpractices and thus in the year 1992 Securities and exchange board of India was set up.

Securities and exchange board of India SEBI

Purpose or role of the securities and exchange board of India (SEBI)

  1. The main purpose was to establish an environment that was efficient enough so that proper mobilization of funds in the securities market can take place. Along with mobilization, utilization and allocation of funds in the most productive use is also a purpose of SEBI.
  2. It creates an environment where healthy competition takes place and there is scope for innovation in that market.
  3. It will help the issuers, so that they can raise the funds easily, in a fair and efficient manner. It provides scope for raising the funds without excessive cost.
  4. On the other hand, With the help of SEBI Class 12  investors also get an environment where their rights and interests are protected and they get adequate and true information so that they can make an informed and fair deal.
  5. While the intermediaries also get the advantage. They get an efficient infrastructure so that they can provide their services in a competitive and professional manner to the investors and the issuers.

Objectives of SEBI  under What is SEBI Class 12

  1. The main objective of SEBI Class 12 is to protect the rights of the investors along with their interests. This is the main objective because it was set up for the same.
  2. To promote the proper functioning of the stock market and stock exchanges. There should not be disorderliness in their administration.
  3. To follow the statutory regulations and prevent malpractices and thus help both – the issuers and the investors equally.
  4. To set up a code of conduct for the working so that fair trade practices take place.
  5. To make the securities market a healthy place to make the investment without unhealthy practices and unhealthy competition.

Functions of SEBI Class 12 (Securities and exchange board of India)

There are mainly two types of functions that are performed by the securities and exchange board of India. They are as under:

  1. Regulatory functions
  2. Developmental functions

Regulatory functions of SEBI under What is SEBI Class 12

  1. To take care of the registrations. Every broker and sub-brokers needs to be registered with SEBI. Other players in the securities market are also liable to get registered.
  2. It needs to regulate the business of stock exchanges, merchant bankers, etc.
  3. It was set up with the main purpose of preventing unfair trade practices and fraudulent practices and thus it has a similar function to perform.
  4. There should be no insider trading as it is the illegal practice of having confidential information so that it can be used for personal benefit. SEBI has the function of controlling it by putting penalties on the companies and institutions doing it.
  5. Undertaking the inspection is also an important function. SEBI takes care that the audits and enquiries are done from time to time on the stock exchanges.
  6. Registration of securities, investment schemes, and also mutual funds needs to be done before offering them to the general public.

Developmental functions of SEBI under What is SEBI Class 12

  1. It has a function to educate the investor about their rights and responsibilities so that they can make an informed decision about their investments.
  2. Training is provided to the intermediaries before they start acting as the middlemen between the issuers and the investors as it is very important for the intermediaries to know about the details of the securities market before taking the charge.
  3. Setting a proper code of conduct so that there is no scope for malpractices and unhealthy speculation.
  4. It also conducts timely research and that information is published for the public to see and make a wise decision.

SEBI Class 12 Business Studies is an important topic as it covers all the relevant information about SEBI. By going through these notes you must have understood the important role SEBI performs to monitor and control the stock market.

BST Chapter 10 – Financial Markets

  1. Financial Market
  2. Money Market
  3. Capital Market
  4. Stock Exchange
  5. Securities and exchange board of India (SEBI)
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