Organising Process Class 12 Notes Business Studies

Organising Class 12 Notes Chapter 5 – Steps in the Process of Organising

Organising process class 12 explains the chronological order of organising in any organization as without organising properly any organization would not be able to accomplish the desired goals. The process is given below you can click on the point to get a detailed explanation.

Organising process class 12

Organising is a process which unites the efforts of the members in an organisation by creating simplified tasks alongside creating a proper authority – responsibility relationship which ultimately helps in achieving the goals of an organisation. There are various steps in the process of organising.

Let us understand with an example of an annual function in a school. Suppose there is going to be an annual function of the school in a month. If each student of the school decides to do the function and arrangement by themselves without making a team, then everyone will start putting in effort but they will go in vain.

Teachers will be looking after different activities and segments of the function and thus they will act as the heads of the departments. Then students will give auditions for different activities such as dance, song, drama etc. Then the selected candidates will be practicing separately while other activities such as seating arrangement, decoration etc. will be done by other teams.

A proper minute-to-minute description of the function will be prepared. This will ultimately lead to the success of the function. Thus, it is clear that proper steps are to be followed while doing any activity and it is done for the organization in a similar manner but at a large scale.

The steps in the process of organising are as under:

steps in the process of organising

Identification and division of work under Organising process class 12  

After the planning is done and the goals are set, the next step which comes into picture is setting the organisational structure and doing the organising. It is a process where the work is properly divided into small tasks so that they are simplified. The work should be identified and a proper job description should be created.

This job description and proper job roles will help the employees understand their work better, thus reducing the overlapping and duplication of the work and avoidance of waste of effort, time and money.

In relation to the example of the school’s annual function, the work is to plan a function and the place, time and budget will be decided. After that will the work will be divided into different segments wherein the dance, songs, drama, fun activities and award-giving will be the main tasks.


Process of Organising Class 12 explains that When the work is identified and divided into small, simplified and manageable activities, it is combined into departments. The department means a collection of similar kinds of activities. Departments in an organisation can be made on various bases. Some of these bases are territory-wise, function-wise, product wise etc.

Taking the annual function of the school as an example, the departments will include the activities department, the decoration department, the food department, trophies purchasing department etc.

Assignment of duties under Organising process class 12  

After the identification of work and then dividing them into various tasks and then the collection of similar kinds of tasks under one department, the next step in the process of Organising Class 12 is these tasks will be assigned to the employees of an organisation. The duties will be assigned to the skilled and competent people who will help the organisation in achieving the objectives. Similar kinds of tasks when performed on regular basis will help in gaining more experience in that particular work and thus help in gaining specialisation.

In the case of the example we took of the annual function of a school, the duties will be divided into various departments as mentioned above, and then these departments would need students and teachers who can pull it off properly and will be able to make it a great success. First, the auditions will be done for the activities and the students who will be best among the others will be selected.

Establishing reporting relationships under Organising process class 12  

After the allocation of tasks to various skilled people, In Organising Process Class 12 the reporting relationships will be established. The reporting relationships mean establishing the authority and responsibility relationship. The employees should know what work they will do and then after the completion of work whom they will inform. These relationships are very important not only for clarity but also for avoidance of chaos in the organisation.

When there are two or three heads over a single employee then it will create an increased burden on the employee as he or she would need to inform each head separately about the work and each head will have different feedback and inculcating different feedback can become difficult and time-consuming.

In the case of the annual function of the school, the heads of different activities will be different. One single teacher cannot be the head of all the activities and single activity cannot be looked after by many teachers. This may result in a delay in decision making. So to avoid all the limitations, the proper department head will be selected so that the head can be accountable for the activity he or she is looking after.

Thus, organising is an important process which should be carefully executed so that the enterprise is set up properly and later on work can progress smoothly. The Organising Process Class 12 has its own benefits such as it helps in specialisation, helps in expansion and growth, building clarity in working relationships etc.


These benefits can be achieved only when this process is done according to the steps in proper order and not jumping from one step to another. After following these steps a proper organisational structure will be formed and thus help in clarity of working relationship and help in adaptation to change and effective management.

Chapter 5 – Organising

  1. Introduction to Organisation and its Importance
  2. Steps in the process of Organising
  3. Organisation Structure
  4. Delegation
  5. Decentralisation
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