Training and Development Class 12 Notes

Training and Development Class 12 states the need and importance of training and development and how it helps the organization as well as its employees. All the points related to the topic are given below.

Training and developmentTraining and development are a very important part of human resource development. With the ever-changing technological environment, it becomes important to train and develop employees so as to keep up with the competition. With an increasing rise in customer expectations, it becomes important to provide better quality products and keep the cost lower, and to do this, it is important to train the workers for doing better each time.

Training and development can be done in different ways. Mainly it includes on-the-job and off-the-job training. On-the-job training includes job rotation, internships, apprenticeship programs, etc. Off-the-job training is given away from the actual work area, for example, classroom training, vestibule training, programmed instructions, etc.

Need for training and development under Training and Development Class 12

There is an increase in the need for training and development and including the following reasons:

  1. Increase in productivity: due to the increase in competition, it becomes important to train the workers. It is always required to train the workers and help them perform better by imparting skills to them. It also helps in a reduction in the cost of production and thus helps in increasing the demand for the products in the market.
  2. Technology update: in an environment, where technology is changing very frequently, it becomes important to train the employees so that they can learn about the technology and keep themselves updated. Learning new techniques and making their use becomes important in this fast-paced environment.
  3. Quality improvement: due to training and development not only does the quality of the products and services improve but the quality of human resources in the organization also improves. To satisfy the customers, it is important to improve the quality of the products and services. This can be done when the employees are trained properly for producing or serving better.
  4. Safety of workers: training and development class 12 not only helps in improving the products and skills of workers but it helps in making the workers more alert by teaching them how to work in dangerous areas and keep themselves safe. Trained workers are less prone to accidents as they know how to use the machinery and thus keep the environment also safe.
  5. Reductions in employee turnover and absenteeism: training and development Class 12 are not only related to learning about the work but also for motivating the employees and increasing their confidence. It provides them security while working at the workplace by teaching them how to be safe while using the machinery and thus it improves their satisfaction and helps in reducing turnover and absenteeism.

Advantages and Benefits of Training and development for Organisation and Employees

‘Training and development’ provides several advantages and benefits. These are for both, the organization and the employees. These are as under:


Benefits to the organization

  1. Avoids wastage of resources: training is the process by which the employees learn. Using hit-and-trial methods can lead to errors but training the employees will always help the organization in saving time, effort, and money. Training and development Class 12 may not also lead to effective results for the area it was thought to give results but it will help some or the other area.
  2. Increase productivity: training and development Class 12 helps in increasing productivity as it trains the employees in the areas where changes take place, due to changes in technology or way of working, it becomes important to teach them and thus leading to increased productivity and better quality.
  3. Equipping the future managers: as training is provided to everyone, they can take up the role in the future, if required. Many a time, it becomes necessary for the employees to take up the role of another employee due to their absenteeism or they may be leaving the job. So it equips future managers so that they can take up the role in case of an emergency.
  4. Increase in morale: training and development Class 12 help in improving the skills of the workers and when they learn various things, they feel confident. It equips them with various skills and knowledge. It also helps them to learn how to work with risky machinery and thus helps them to be safe. All these benefits of training and development help to increase the morale of employees which results in a reduction of employee turnover and absenteeism.
  5. Adapting to the environment: Businesses cannot run in a stagnant environment. The environment keeps changing always and it is dynamic. To deal with this environment it becomes important to have different skills. These skills come from training and development. Due to the ever-changing technological environment, it becomes important to keep the employees updated.

Benefits to the employees under Training and Development Class 12

There are various benefits of training and development for the employees and workers. They are as follows:

  1. Better career: with improved skills and better knowledge, the workers become more learned and they can go for improved roles. For example, a marketing executive can take the training of new and upcoming trends in the market such as digital marketing and thus will become better skills. This helps them to improve their career.
  2. Better earning: any trained employee is way better than an untrained employee. When there will be a selection between the two, the trained employee will be selected and due to his better skills and knowledge, he or she will be paid more.
  3. More efficiency: training and development Class 12 is the process of providing learning to the employees for various areas so that they have better knowledge. This better knowledge of things helps them to be more efficient and more effective.
  4. Reduction in learning time: there are two ways to learn, first is trial and error, and second is training and development. When any person learns through trial and error, he or she takes more time than the one learning through training and development. ‘Training and development’ is better because it provides the right kind of learning which is doubtful in the case of trial and error.


Training and development Class 12 are a very important part of any organization because it is the process that improves the skills and abilities of the employees to perform specific tasks. It not only trains them for the current job but also improves their knowledge and develops them for future tasks. It not only makes them better workers or employees but overall personality development takes place and they become better humans.

Chapter 6 – Staffing

  1. Need and Importance of Staffing
  2. Staffing as a part of Human resource
  3. Introduction to recruitment
  4. Training and development
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