Barriers to Communication Class 12 Notes

Barriers to Communication Class 12  explains the hindrances that can occur during the communication process. These barriers make communication ineffective. All the relevant points related to barriers to communication and ways to overcome are given below. Barriers to Communication class 12  Many times, when we try to communicate, we get hindrances in the communication process. … Read more

Formal and Informal Communication Class 12 Notes

Formal and Informal Communication Communications in an organization are of different kinds and they are classified as – Formal Communication and Informal Communication. Formal communication It is that type of communication that follows the channels which are designed by the management and it flows through the hierarchical form of management. The communication can be in … Read more

Communication Class 12 Notes

Communication Class 12 explains the meaning of communication and its element. Communication is an essential part of the organization as no organization can work without a proper communication channel. All the topics related to the topic are given below. Communication Class 12 Communication is a process that is an essential part of directing process which … Read more

Leadership Class 12 Notes | Business Studies

Leadership Class 12 explains the meaning of a leader and how the process of leadership influences employees’ behaviour in a desired manner. Leadership help in maintaining harmony in the organization. All the concepts related to leadership are given below, you can scroll down to get a detailed explanation. Leadership is a skill of an individual … Read more

Incentives Class 12 Notes – Types of Incentives

Financial Incentives Class 12 explains the meaning and types of incentives given by organizations to employees. The definition and explanation of all the incentives are given below, scroll down for a detailed explanation. What is Incentive Incentives are things that motivate people or encourage them to do a particular task. For example: when parents want … Read more

Supervision Class 12 Notes – Elements of Directing

There are various elements of directing and supervision is one of them. Supervision as the word suggests, super means over or above and vision means to look for, and thus it simply means to supervise the subordinates. Supervising the subordinates means to give them the directions, guiding them, motivating them, counselling and leading them. After … Read more

Directing Class 12 Notes – Principles, Features & Importance of Directing

After staffing, Directing is the next and an important step in management process as in this employees are motivated and leaded to achieve the goals effectively and efficiently. All the points stating the Importance of Directing Class 12 are given below. CBSE Class 12 Notes on Directing – Business Studies Directing When the plans are … Read more

Training and Development Class 12 Notes

Training and Development Class 12 Notes

Training and Development Class 12 states the need and importance of training and development and how it helps the organization as well as its employees. All the points related to the topic are given below. Training and development: Training and development are a very important part of human resource development. With the ever-changing technological environment, it … Read more

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